Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) has been credited with bringing science and spirituality together “like no other poet in the nineteenth century.” She has been called a shaman and “medicine woman” for her poetry that awakens, deepens and heals the roots of the soul.
Julian of Norwich (1342-1415) was the first woman to write a book in English, though it was not published for 300 years after her death. It was born of a shamanistic initiation that brought her to the brink of death and in it she names the sacredness of creation –“the goodness in nature is God” she exclaims and offers deep healing.
Both of these powerful women speak to our needs as a species today from deep within the creation spirituality lineage as we face climate change and eco-destruction and our and other creatures’ extinctions. Recent books by the two presenters, Steven Herrmann and Matthew Fox, one celebrating Dickinson and the other celebrating Julian of Norwich, and the contribution of businesswoman, pilot and minister Cameron Trimble are sure to make for an exciting evening.
The event is free and is a fundraiser for the free dailymeditationswithmatthewfox.org which marks its third anniversary on Mother’s Day 2021.
Join us on this special occasion to mark a day for Mother Earth and all other mothers with two powerhouse women mystic-shamans eager to awaken and heal!
Steven Herrmann, PhD, MFT
Steven Herrmann is a certified Jungian analyst and member of the CG Jung Institute of San Francisco. Steven is also a poet, writer, presenter, and teacher. He has published many professional papers and six books including William Everson: The Shaman’s Call; Walt Whitman: Shamanism, Spiritual Democracy and the World Soul; Spiritual Democracy; Emily Dickinson: A Medicine Woman for Our Times. Steven's newest book (2020) is William James and C.G. Jung: Doorways to the Self.
Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox is a spiritual theologian and author of 38 books on spirituality and culture. Among them are Original Blessing; A Spirituality Named Compassion; The Reinvention of Work; The Hidden Spirituality of Men: Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred Masculine; Hildegard of Bingen: A Saint for Our Times; Meister Eckhart: A Spiritual Warrior for Our Times; Sheer Joy: Conversations with Thomas Aquinas on Creation Spirituality. His most recent books are The Tao of Thomas Aquinas: Fierce Wisdom for Hard Times and Julian of Norwich: Wisdom in a Time of Pandemic—and Beyond. Fox is an Episcopal priest and a visiting scholar at the Academy of the Love of Learning.
Cameron Trimble, Host
Rev. Cameron Trimble is a serial entrepreneur committed to the triple bottom line – a concern for people, profit and the planet. Driven by an adventurous spirit, she co-founded and serves as the CEO of Convergence, an international leadership consultancy. She serves as a senior consultant, a frequent speaker on national speaking circuits, is a pilot and an author. Her books include Liberating Hope: Daring to Renew the Mainline Church, Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight, and 60 Days of Faith. Trimble is also an adjunct professor teaching leadership and organizational development.